The sheer size of Tesla’s massive battery factory could be a game-changer in many ways


Electric car maker Tesla Motors (s TSLA) hasn’t just blazed its own trail when it comes to designing and building a hot electric car. It’s also made breakthroughs in many aspects of the automotive business (the sales channel, the servicing, the over-the-air-software updates) and now it’s doing the same thing for the core part of the electric car: the battery.

This week Tesla revealed more details about its plans to build a massive — the largest of its kind in the world — battery factory in the U.S. that will produce enough lithium-ion batteries by 2020 to outfit 500,000 electric cars. While Tesla only released a few details of the plan, the company said that by 2020 the battery cell output of the factory would be 35 gigawatt hours per year, and battery pack output would be 50 gigawatt hours per year.

Tesla's Model S Battery in the Alpha Build Room Tesla’s Model S Battery in the Alpha Build…

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Understanding Food Labels

Bunny Kitchen

Making healthy food choices

Healthy eating shouldn’t be about depriving yourself of food. In fact, the key to eating healthy successfully is by choosing the right food to eat. Looking at nutritional labels is part and parcel of that. Yes, the nutrition information labels are placed on food items for a reason. Sadly, there are still a large percentage of people who do not understand these nutritional values. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) states that the Nutrition Facts Label is a useful tool to help consumers make informed food choices that may greatly affect their health.
Similarly, the FSA released a directive on how food retailers should label their food items to include the Guideline Daily Amounts (GDA). This directive according to Claire Hughes, resident Nutritionist of Marks&Spencer, is one way to help educate consumers about healthy eating and having a healthy diet. This is a way for…

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